Hamasbia Aviation Meals Industries Ltd. was founded in 1995 by Mr. Azriel Tauber, an industrialist with many years of experience in food and hospitality enterprises. The company was established in response to airlines’ needs to offer observant passengers the highest kashrut standards, without sacrificing meal quality, taste and appearance.
Hamasbia chose to produce and supply meals under Badatz ultra-orthodox community supervision.
The first airline to choose meals from Hamasbia was Tower Air, flying thousands of passengers to New York, a good percentage of whom enjoyed Hamasbia meals. Following that success, more airlines requested to add Hamasbia meals to the choices offered to their passengers on flights from Tel Aviv.
Today, the company is very different to what it was in its early years.
It has evolved and progressed and now provides extensive solutions to the requirements of dozens of airlines, including Israeli airlines. At the same time, the company has developed additional markets and supplies meals to many other organizations and institutions.
In 2015, Hamasbia relocated to new and advanced facilities in Ramla, in a building designed to meet the needs of a variety of customers, both international and local.
Hamasbia Industries was established with close attention to correct procedures, in accordance with the strictest regulatory requirements of kashrut and of quality assurance. The company succeeds in combining the Badatz ultra-orthodox community’s kashrut level with high-quality food production, so that a large number of customers benefit from the talents of the company’s chefs.
Among the company’s customers are not only those whose threshold requirement is kosher food under the Badatz ultra-orthodox community supervision, but other customers as well. Hamasbia’s standards enable us to provide equally fine services to all, without prejudice. We supply meals with the strictest kashrut supervision, beautifully prepared and served, without sacrificing top quality.
We have three hot-food kitchens: dairy, pareve and meat; all three prepare cold foods and desserts.
Hamasbia Industries provides a comprehensive ONE STOP SHOP solution for every need, anywhere.
As a result of our excellent infrastructure and logistical capabilities, we produce and supply hundreds of menus/meals daily, each one carefully crafted as if it were the only menu.
The company standards are: HACCP, ISO 9001: 2015 and GMP.
The company complies with recommendations for approved authorized suppliers from various government agencies and confirms to all required security and safety requirements.
We believe that food lovingly prepared, with meticulous attention to detail, and then supplied under the right conditions, always leaves one with that taste for more.